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So I stumbled upon this wonderful and uplifting website a few months ago.  It makes me smile and appreciate life so much when I read these little pick me up:)  Here is the link:

So in honor of this wonderful thing, I have decided to start my own AWESOME list.  I hope that they make you realize that no matter how complicated life gets sometimes, that some of the most simplest things make life worth it.  I will continue to add to it as it goes on.  Feel free to make comments, too.

  1. Hearing someone tell another person that you are awesome as you walk away. 
  2. The moment you realize that someone loves you THAT much. 
  3. Sharing a moment with someone you like before they know you like them.  it can be a glance, a laugh, but the both of you are together in the moment. 
  4. Listening just to listen to a loved one's voice. (not the content)  :)
  5. Complete comfortable silence between really good friends.
  6. Reconnecting with family members and old friends, and picking up where you left off.