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Thursday, June 23, 2011


Has anyone looked at a pretzel lately?  Doesn't it look familiar, two things merged into one?  Here take a look at this one.  What does it look like?
I was looking at the pretzels I brought to work the other day and eating some today, and it kinda reminded me of the peace sign and a heart.  Kinda like peace and love....I think that's so cool!  It doesn't have the straight down line like a real peace sign, but kinda, right?  And it's in a soft heart shape:)  I thought it was funny, it just came to me:)  and it made me smile.....

random note, I have been seeing a lot of smiley faces in natural places, that I might take and show it here.  I think its funny when I see them in places that you wouldn't expect ie like the bathroom.  I will explain later.  Lol. 

Pretzel (in place of peace and love),

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