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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Back with websites!

Hi!  I am back now....finally after a whole month of not posting.  I got super busy which I will explain at another time, but this time I want to post some websites that I think are super cool!,CA
You can write in the city and state of wear you are at and you get a forecast of clothes to wear!  Super neato!
Very cool DIY website!
I really like this one too, you pin things you like onto a board, just like pieces of flair on  facebook.
I like this too, but it makes me wish I had a tablet.  You can view magazines here and also publish them too.
I have always gone here to do some time wasting and it always works!  Love.

Monday, July 25, 2011

I am not gone. I am just a little busy and a little lazy but I will update soon!  I am getting my apartment tomorrow!!!  That's an update!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


So lately, things have been getting more busy at work which is good.  I have been giving a few scopes to work on and I am glad.  Also I have realized that I am not big fans of architects and I just got into this industry.  I hope I do not deal with any uncooperative architects in the future. 

This past weekend was good, I went to the tournament with a friend, bought 2 dramas.  I'll talk about them a little bit.
I am watching this one right now, only on the thrid episode, but I cheated and know what happens.  I am still going to watch it because it does seem good to watch.  I am not so in love with this like I am with other dramas, but its pretty good and different from other dramas. 

This is the other drama I bought:
I have not watched it yet, so I hope I like it.  Its kinda like what happens in vegas.  I will probably talk more about it once I get done with it which may be a while because I am probably only going to watch it during the weekend or something. 

Happy living!

Saturday, July 2, 2011



Weekend Plans

So this weekend is the annual soccer tournament held by the Lao Family Center in St. Paul.  This event draws over 30,000 hmong people to the city.  I also know that a number of families come from all over the country to gather, including California, North Carolina, Kansas, as well as Wisconsin also.  I did not attend the event last year, which makes me excited this year to go.

One thing I never really understood is that all these hmong celebration is still kinda bases on american hoilidays and that always makes me kinda mad.  Do we not have any hoildays?  or what?  I don't.  I am just complaining, I do not have a solution.  :)

Anyways, I am looking forward to going.  It's usually a two to three day event depending on when the 4th is.  This year it is on a monday, but its still a two day event.  I bet it's bc there aren't a lot of money going around.  I guess that there was a lot of issues being resolved just a few weeks ago and it seemed like the event was not going to take place because of it, but it is a go now.

Since the event draws so much people, parking is always a hassle.  The event takes place over by McMurray field over by Como area.  Cars are parked where the state fair parking is usually at.  It's crazy because so many people are there.  There are cars lined every where.  Almost as bad at the State fair itself:)  The entrance fee is $2 i think, which is not a lot, but I have heard so many people complain about it.  I think its because asian people are so cheap.  Lol...we just don't want to pay for anything.  I think of other events, where you have to pay a lot more for it.  People need to stop complaining about it. 

Soccer is the main sport, but over time, there has been more sports added, such as Kato, which is more of an asian sport.  It's like playing bean bags, but with your feet.  here is a clip i found on youtube:  I think people may see the hardness it takes to become a skilled player.  Flag football has gotten very popular.  My brother actually plays for a team.  Go SOLDIERS!  Good luck to them and all the sports team.  Placing would mean a cash prize and a trophy??  something like that.

My favorite part is of course the markets and food shops!  DUH!  In the surrounding areas of the fields are rows of shops full of clothes, music, movies, toys.  There is generators, people with mircophones, bands playing their loud music....This is the part I love and miss the most.  The heat is hot and crazy!  I don't usually spend a lot of money, but if I see anything I like, I usull would buy it.  In the past, I have gotten a few Korean dramas, and CDs.  I don't usually get clothes because, sometimes, the qaulity is not as good and because the clothes usually most likely does not fit me:)  This year, I think that I am going to keep on looking for movies and music. 

Also, another thing I love, are the food shops!  They are also a favorite of mine.  This is probably the only time, I love eating spicy food in the hot sun!  Eating papaya outdoors is so different than eating it indoors.  and most of the time, you are eating it by itself without rice, too.  That makes it even better.  Also, I am looking forward to eating mango slices with crushed pepper, that shit is good too!!!!  Yummy.  But I have to warn you, there are only port a johns so don't overdue it.  They are so not pretty when there are over 30,000 people there in the hot sun with everyone using them.  :)  All you hmong people know what I am talking about. 

I know i said it was a 2 day event but I am planning only to go tomorrow.  Today, I will focus on relaxing and helping my mom at her shop at Hmong Village.  and then go shopping.  I bought a pair of shoes from payless and a dress from sears for church.  they don't go together, but are super cute, esp my dress.  I have definitely discover my taste and preference:)!  Anyways, I will get going on my day and blog about everything later....Yeah for a 3 day weekend!


ps, goverment shutdown, you stink.  the state of MN needs to do a better job at time management.  just saying. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hercule Poirot

I watched Hercule Poirot this past Sunday on Masterpiece theater.  I love that show!!  and I also love Miss Marple.  There something about the time period and the detective that I just love!!! 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Korean Drama B)

This was posted on my facebook by a friend.  I think most are these are so true.  Korean drama are a little bit of a weakness of mine.  lol....Do you watch dramas of any kind?


Friday, June 24, 2011


So I need a new phone....our contract with T-mobile has ended months ago and we have been paying just month to month now....I have a older small little blue slider and it's old.  I would like a more grown up phone, but it seems that I am getting super picky about it.

  1. I have had the same number since high school, so its been 6 years??  I love have the same number for that long.  I have some phone numbers since high school and all so its nice to keep it.  Its not likely that I'll call up old friends like that, but I love saying that I have been having the same number since high school.  So basically, I do not want to change networks.
  2. I don't really need a smart phone, basically, I don't want to pay for a data plan because they are pricey and I might never really use it to its potential, hence not wanting to pay for extra features that I will never use. 
  3. I kinda don't want to extend another 2 years with T-mobile.  It's not like this is a bad idea, but it's just beinf stuck with them for another 2 years is like a committment to something that I kinda don't want.
With these three things, its so hard to get a phone that I like.  Actually, I did find a phone that I like very much at World of Wireless, but it was too good to be true.  Everything about the phone was great, it was cheap (good), it was not a data plan phone (better) and I didn't have to sign another 2 years away (better).  But sadly after a week of using it, the hearing thing does not work well. Whenever I place a call, I can barely hear the other party, and usually I ended up putting them on speaker phone.  Everything about the phone is great, except that part:(  It was too good to be true,  oh, well, I am returning it tomorrow and now...I am thinking that maybe two years extension is not that bad of an idea and that the data plan is a new change that I'll have to get used too. 

With the Family plan, we are already paying between 140 to 180 depending on the month, so it's a lot, I will have to speak with the person that pays the bill and see if I can make the jump to smartphone.  Lol...I think it's funny that I try so hard to get something that I want but might end up getting something with the above mention things.  Lol.....This is funny.  I hope I find something.  I do look in craigslist, but haven't really done anything with that quote yet....We'll see. 

Defintely keep you all in the loop and post pictures when I finally get a phone.

I am also looking for an apartment too!  That has been going all right, I have only looked at 2 so far.  The first one was all right, it was over in the Battle Creek area, right next to Woodbury, but it was a little small for my liking.  The living area was small and the bedrooms were also small.  The price was great though. 

The second apartment, I kinda like:)  It is right across from where I used to live.  I saw a unit on the third floor which was okay.  I prefer the buttom, then top, then the middle.  The living room was good, the bedrooms were also very good size, it is a little bit more, but within the budget I set for myself.  And another plus is that the is free wifi so I love that.  I hope that the network is not slow though, that's what I would be scared of.  The unit that would be avaliable for me would be on the second floor I am not a huge fan, but not saying now.  I am saying no to the first place for sure.  There is one over my SunRay that I would like to see.  I hope the property manager calls me back soon! 

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Has anyone looked at a pretzel lately?  Doesn't it look familiar, two things merged into one?  Here take a look at this one.  What does it look like?
I was looking at the pretzels I brought to work the other day and eating some today, and it kinda reminded me of the peace sign and a heart.  Kinda like peace and love....I think that's so cool!  It doesn't have the straight down line like a real peace sign, but kinda, right?  And it's in a soft heart shape:)  I thought it was funny, it just came to me:)  and it made me smile.....

random note, I have been seeing a lot of smiley faces in natural places, that I might take and show it here.  I think its funny when I see them in places that you wouldn't expect ie like the bathroom.  I will explain later.  Lol. 

Pretzel (in place of peace and love),